Saturday, April 20, 2013

Mr. Icreatedthebestinvention (AKA Phil Farnsworth)

August 19, 1906 is the day the world changed forever; it was the day Phil Farnsworth was born. Mr. Farnsworth is credited with the invention of the televsion, one thing that many of us cannot live without. The television has really changed our society forever. With it, businesses can display ads to millions of people with ease, news can be delivered quickly, and entertainment helps pass the time when there's nothing to do. Now, let's see what influenced Mr. Farnsworth to create such a marvelous invention.

Although he lived in the rural areas, Mr. Farnsworth still grew up in the times where America began developing and inventing new innovations such as the radio, telephone, and phonograph. (what is that?) All these crazy inventions amazed Phil and inspired him to create his own. When Phil was thirteen, he invented a lock that people could put on cars which would make it extremely harder for thieves to steal the cars. He eventually went on to win the competition. With this accomplishment in his early life, Phil continued to work and think of new inventions. While he was working on the farm field, Phil noticed how the plows of dirt were in straight lines. He reach an epiphany because he knew how to invent the television: by breaking down images into parallel lines and using electrons to transmit them through a screen for people to see. Who knew farming ideas could be used to create the television?


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Unsolved Mysteries: String Theory

String theory has been quite debatable over the years, especially in the Big Bang Theory. It's cool because Leonard Hoffstader and Sheldon Cooper talk about this many times and I finally know what they have been discussing about.
String Theory is basically the idea that in our three dimensional world, particles are strings/membranes that can connect to each dimension. The way that physicists can determine whether string theory is true or not, is for them to develop a telescope that can zoom in by a thousand, maybe even a million times more than what our modern telescopes can do to see these small particles. This probably is impossible to happen but who knows..

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Exercise Experiment

     Researchers did a study on 7000 Dutch adolescents about their physical activity, bodyweight, mental problems, and socioeconomic status. They found that those adolescents that feel they're over or underweight or don't exercise at all were at greater risk for internal (depression, anxiety) or external (drug/alcohol abuse, aggression) problems. Not only does Exercising often or playing on a team sport keep a person fit and healthy on the outside, it also benefits a person's mental health. As a person becomes more fit, they're appearence becomes more appealing and his/her peer's liking towards the person can increase which boosts self esteem. On sports teams, there's a strong sense of support for each other such as encouraging teammates as they compete. This support also boosts a person's mental health and self esteem because they know that their peers acknowledge and have a
mutual relationship with the person.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Nicolas, Alexander I: Physics Question

Q: So how can a man be able to break numerous blocks of concrete with his hand?
A: Although a man should have done some training before attempting to break the blocks of concrete, there’s also physics involved. The man needs to exert a large amount of force onto the blocks of concrete at a certain point. He generates a large amount of force because of how fast his hand accelerates onto the block. Since the blocks are close together, the momentum of fore from the first block breaking continues onto the next blocks until all of them are broken. If the man misses his target, inertia, an equal and opposite reaction will end up hurting or even breaking his hand.